After the world gets back to work and people are moving out of the pandemic state, are you noticing changes in your pets. We all spent more time at home more than ever before in the last year. It was a major change for all of us… including our pets. Now that we are getting back to it, our pets are also going through a major change. How are they copping?
According to the changes are real and may cause seperation anxiety…
The onset of fear or anxiety issues in dogs can be prompted by a variety of things, from puppy socialization issues and age-related health conditions like dementia to traumatic experiences or genetics.
There is no catchall for the roots of these issues, but here are some of the most common causes of anxiety or fear in dogs:
Being forced into an unfamiliar and frightening experience
Being deprived of social and environmental exposure until 14 weeks of age
Phobias and panic: history of not being able to escape or get away from the stimulus causing the phobia and panic, such as being locked in crate
Separation anxiety: history of abandonment, having multiple owners over time, being rehomed or experiencing prior neglect are all common sources; the condition may be perpetuated if the dog has been repeatedly abandoned or rehomed because they have separation anxiety.
Image courtesy of: Jerome OlivierYou can check out some great point from the whole article here
Photo By Thomas Hawk
HELP THEM NOW!!! Take action NOW and do not let them SUFFER anymore!!! They support YOU, Now It IS Your Turn To Help Them!!! Do not put off Any Longer,
WOW! Potty Train Your Dog In 3 Simple Steps!!!
Lets get started tTODAY! do not put up with any more cleaning floors or carpets! # steps away from freedom in your life. You owe it to your puppy!
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